About me

I trained at a ballet school and have years of experience in exercise; I know what it takes to keep fit and healthy. 
I'm passionate about movement, exercise and enjoying the process. I can motivate and guide you, enabling you to achieve your fitness and weight goals. I am passionate about leading an active, healthy life; building muscle mass, bone density and maintaining pain free mobility. December 2020 I smashed and dislocated my ankle. As it was during COVID I had to rehabilitate myself and am proud to say I have made a full recovery. I now work out several hours a day with client. Working out together motivates and makes it good fun!


Level 3 Personal Trainer Specialist Diploma (TrainFitness)

Level 3 Exercise Referral

FAA Level 3 Award in emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)

Long COVID-19 Rehabilitation

Training clients before and after joint replacement (ProFit)

Sudden Cardiac Arrest eLearning
Concussion Awareness for Coaches
Optimising Health and Performance in the Female Body (Dr Emma Ross)
Understanding and Working with Hypermobile Bodies

"The impact of small daily habits compound over time"

"Fitness is for everyone, for life"

"Fitness needs to be enjoyable, we can work together to find something that you enjoy and can stick with"

Isobel Brown